Dial Into Your Higher Mind
If you’re ready to look at life through a different lens, then you’re in luck. The landmark of Mercury opposing Uranus is what you should focus on. Mercury has been working its way through the conundrums thrown up by Scorpio. As you probe deeply into a subject, you are stimulated by the challenge to solve the problems, it presents.
However, your usual bag of tricks won’t be helpful in finding solutions. The combination of Scorpio, the undercover detective meets Uranus, the electrifying manager of Mercury. Essentially, the opposition creates the occasion for you to meet your higher mind.
By doing so, your mental energy propels unusual, striking, inventive ideas to the forefront of your thoughts. Suddenly, you can unravel a situation that previously was an impasse. Although the insights maybe illuminating, temper the intensity and speed that you bring to them. Otherwise, you could be very argumentative and others will find you overbearing. Mercury and Uranus are both at 8 degrees, so they reflect the Scorpio potential for forceful communication.
Venus in Libra is still active and gives a loving nudge to the Ascendant and Moon, in Sagittarius. So you can present yourself as being on a quest to find inspiring and unconventional answers.