Drink a Cool Glass of Emotions

Bybreen Samuels
2 min readFeb 16, 2021



There’s an imbalance of water energy in today’s collection of planets. The only representative is Neptune who resides at home in Pisces. Even though it’s in a strong position here, it’s linked to your Ascendant, Mars, Pluto and Midheaven. Meaning, that the spotlight remains firmly on your personal narrative and outer personality. An outcome of this is that you may find it difficult to grasp your feelings and those of others.

Emotional self-sufficiency may sound good on paper but in reality, it brings more complexity. If you choose to continue living life on a surface level, the world of emotions will remain a foreign land. You’ll end up denying or projecting your emotional needs and nature onto someone else. Your emotions are essentially feelings that are to be experienced, used and transformed. Don’t transfer this responsibility onto another person.

Admittedly, you’ll have to work harder because the under-representation of water transits reveal your emotional void. Carl Jung often said, ‘Whatever is denied conscious access, continues to influence the individual anyhow, but via unconscious processes.’ Loneliness and fear are features of an unhappy life. The ways in which you could display them include:

  1. Resisting the efforts from other people to draw you out of your emotional vacancy.
  2. Or, you make feeble and inconsistent attempts to build relationships.

Although this may sound a little gloomy, all is not lost. Emotional stability is within touching distance the more you allow you feelings to emerge. By doing this regularly, you’ll release all the accumulated pain you've been holding onto. Finally, freedom and flexibility return when you can relinquish the burden of emotional toxicity.

Quote of the Day ― Judith Orloff

“Look at your life as your main career and your divine classroom.”



Bybreen Samuels

I write about Ageing, Astrology, A.I and Web 3.0, to help improve your emotional wellbeing & raise awareness of how tech is transforming our lives.