Expand Your Thoughts

Bybreen Samuels
2 min readDec 20, 2020


If you have the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Sagittarius, you must be overjoyed because Jupiter has left Capricorn. Under this tutelage you may have felt the idiom, ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child.’ The lessons were rough and you had to find ways to survive under heavy restrictions.

Now you’re free to shout ‘Hallelujah’ from the rooftop and begin to thrive again. As you inhale the new breath of life, start thinking about how you can live more expansively.

The synthesis of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius is the lighthouse that sparks an awareness. Tomorrow, they form the Great Conjunction that launches their journey through air signs for 800 hundred years.

The astrological element of air signs namely, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius deal with archetypal ideas. These ideas are the invisible structures behind our physical world. How can you contribute to the ceremony of new concepts, doctrines and perceptions?

One way you could do it is to set off on your own quest for meaning. The mythological story of Parsifal and the Holy Grail can guide you on your journey. Just as the nobleman helped Parsifal when he arrived at the Castle of Gurnemanz. He mentored Parsifal by teaching him the rules of chivalry. And particularly, the ethics behind courtesy. He was told:

  1. ‘Never lose your sense of shame.’
  2. ‘Do not importune others with foolish questions.’
  3. ‘’Always show compassion to those that suffer.’

Needless to say, Parsifal failed his test because he remained silent when he met the ailing Grail King. The reason he did is because he only memorised the guidance but didn’t truly understand them. He learnt the outer forms but not the inner meaning.

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius can assist you with the process of initiating and containing ideas. Jupiter provides the inspiration to generate transpersonal and ground breaking ideas that shape humanity. Whereas, as Saturn is the framework that contains them. In order for your ideas to fit within the framework, you must understand them. By comprehending them you can categorise and apply them properly.



Bybreen Samuels

I write about Ageing, Astrology, A.I and Web 3.0, to help improve your emotional wellbeing & raise awareness of how tech is transforming our lives.