Mars Lights Up Aries, Again

Bybreen Samuels
Nov 13, 2020


Mars has its foot on the accelerator itching to speed off into the future. The engine is revving towards turning direct again, in Aries. For the last 2 months you’ve had to contemplate your actions in the face of robust defence from Capricorn. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, are the trio of defenders.

The inner tournament forced you to confront the notions of faith, discipline and transformation. They led you to ask:

  1. Do I have what it takes to drive my intentions that will lead to success?

The next 7 weeks will test your capabilities. It’s time to prove to yourself that you can forge ahead with your solid plan of action. Between now and December 11th, use your time efficiently to spread your message. The present influence of the North Node in Gemini suggests that other people can help you. So you shouldn’t have too much difficulty finding the right tribe of advocates. The sextile between Mars and the Node, favours this direction.

By mid December, the weight of Capricorn will be lighter because Jupiter and Saturn will begin moving into Aquarius. Use any remaining discomfort that Pluto may bring to channel your efforts in a constructive manner.



Bybreen Samuels

I write about Ageing, Astrology, A.I and Web 3.0, to help improve your emotional wellbeing & raise awareness of how tech is transforming our lives.