On the Cusp of New Beginnings

Bybreen Samuels
2 min readFeb 10, 2021



You’ve arrived at the cusp of tomorrow’s jam packed New Moon in Aquarius. This junction requires you to work on deconstructing the remnants of your old life. Pluto is at 25 degrees of Capricorn and leads the way with this. The Lord of Transformation currently occupies the same degree and sign that Saturn was at, this time last year. The significance of this is that Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. And, you were transitioning from a life free of Covid-19 to a world of greater restrictions.

Saturn’s first archetype really is about maintaining the status quo. This is the complete opposite to what Pluto is provoking you to do. You’re faced with the clash between remaining entrenched in convention versus the death of it. Fear of the unknown maybe holding you back. However, since Spring 2020, you’ve lived with increasing amounts of uncertainty.

  1. What adaptations have you made?
  2. How comfortable or uncomfortable were you about these changes?
  3. Has your level of fear increased or decreased?

By answering these questions they’ll help you gauge the lessons you’ve learnt about adaptability. This trait will come in very handy as you navigate tomorrow’s Aquarian new world order. Flexibility opens your life beyond the gaze of fear to a host of other possibilities. And sitting within them could be your desire for something new. Act on the 25 degree energy to find the the courage to embrace what’s coming. The sextile between Neptune and Pluto adds a soothing balm to any anxieties. They signal the passing out of your old existence, to make way for your new reality.

Quote of the Day — Chinese Proverb

“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher.”



Bybreen Samuels

I write about Ageing, Astrology, A.I and Web 3.0, to help improve your emotional wellbeing & raise awareness of how tech is transforming our lives.