Open Your Front Door

Bybreen Samuels
2 min readDec 27, 2020



The Moon in Gemini leans back to catch a sideways glimpse of the Sun in Capricorn. Follow the curiosity brought about by your emotions. Whatever questions they raise about authority, doublecheck the credentials of those who espouse rhetoric. Take on board what others are saying about them. The diversity in opinion helps you to tap the pulse of public opinion. Now, having done so, where do you fit within it?

The Moon’s allegiance to Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will raise your standards and levels of critique. The duality of air signs means you can filter thoughts and concepts more objectively. Jupiter will guide you to expand your imagination, to begin seeing patterns of collective ideas. Then, use Saturn to show you how to categorise them.

Altogether, they lead you to consider the best ways in which you can be altruistic. Open your front door, walk into life and what do you see? Now with your unique attributes choose how you’re going to become a problem solver. Chiron in Aries links the agency of healing to the Moon’s ability to spread the message.

Use your words to help others move into action. By the time of the Full Moon in Cancer, in 3 days, you’ll experience deeper levels of satisfaction. This will clarify what needs to be released from your life as you close out 2020.



Bybreen Samuels

I write about Ageing, Astrology, A.I and Web 3.0, to help improve your emotional wellbeing & raise awareness of how tech is transforming our lives.